2017 UWW Junior Freestyle National Championships results. April 29th at Las Vegas, Nev.
TheMat.com Story:
Freestyle talents Fix, Hall, Valencia and Steveson among those claiming titles at UWW Junior Nationals
Brackets/Results on flowrestling.org
Final Results
50 kg/110 lbs.
1st – Malik Heinselman (Olympian WC) dec. Dack Punke (Unattached), 4-0
3rd – Jason Holmes (Thorobred) tech. fall Brendon Garcia (Steel City Elite)
5th – Brandon Kaylor (Team Aggression) forfeit Riley Weir (Team BIG)
7th – Hunter Lucas (Terrapin WC) forfeit Nick Onea (Crimson Wave WC)
55 kg/121 lbs.
1st – Daton Fix (Titan Mercury WC) tech. fall Paul Bianchi (Bison WC), 10-0
3rd – Drew Mattin (Burnett Training) tech. fall Alex Thomsen (SWIFT), 12-2
5th – Dylan D’Emilio (Burnett Training) forfeit Brandon Courtney (Sunkist Kids)
7th – Andrew Alirez (TNWC) tech. fall McGwire Midkiff (SWIFT), 10-0
60 kg/132 lbs.
1st – Mitchell Mckee (Minnesota Storm) dec. Vitali Arujau (Finger Lakes), 13-10
3rd – Montorie Bridges (Wyoming RTC) dec. Tariq Wilson (Wolfpack WC), 13-6
5th – Nick Farro (Lehigh) dec. Jacob Silzer (IRTC) 10-10
7th – Paul Glynn (Iowa) dec. Jackson Henson (Sunkist Kids), 8-5
63 kg/138 lbs.
1st – Luke Pletcher (Titan Mercury WC) dec. Sam Turner (Wyoming RTC), 8-6
3rd – Kaden Gfeller (Team BIG) dec. Ben Freeman (Michigan RTC), 9-4
5th – Nick Lee (Nittany Lion WC) dec. Dylan Thurston (IRTC), 12-9
7th – Alex Hrisopoulos (Michigan State) tech. fall Brandon Kier (Stanford-California RTC), 12-0
66 kg/145.5 lbs.
1st – Ryan Deakin (Northwestern) dec. Kanen Storr (C-RTC), 8-6
3rd – Yianni Diakomihalis (Finger Lakes) dec. Dominick Demas (Columbus WC), 10-0
5th – Patricio Lugo (Edinboro RTC) tech. fall Ben Hornickle (Wyoming RTC), 12-2
7th – Cole Martin (Wisconsin) tech. fall Keegan Shaw (Iowa), 10-0
70 kg/154 lbs.
1st – Griffin Parriott (Boilermaker RTC) dec. Joe Lee (Maurer Coughlin WC), 9-0
3rd – Austin Kraisser (Campbell) dec. Mike Dangelo (Princeton WC), 12-9
5th – Philip Conigliaro (Unattached) forfeit David Carr (Titan Mercury WC)
7th – Ryder Punke (IRTC) dec. Luke Weber (Nebraska WTC), 6-6
74 kg/163 lbs.
1st – Mark Hall (Nittany Lion WC) tech. fall Alex Marinelli (Iowa), 10-0
3rd – Evan Wick (Wisconsin) dec. Hayden Hidlay (Wolfpack WC), 6-5
5th – David McFadden (SERTC-VT) tech. fall Jake Allar (Minnesota Storm), 12-2
7th – Taleb Rahmani (Pittsburgh WC) dec. Carver James (IRTC), 5-3
79 kg/174 lbs.
1st – Jacob Covaciu (Wisconsin) dec. Kaleb Young (Iowa), 6-5
3rd – AJ Pedro (Pedro’s WC) dec. Joseph Grello (Scarlet Knights WC), 6-0
5th – Joshua Ugalde (Terrapin WC) forfeit Ahmed Alford (Navy-Marine Corps RTC)
7th – Riley Demoss (Princeton WC) forfeit Spencer Carey (Navy-Marine Corps RTC)
84 kg/185 lbs.
1st – Zahid Valencia (Arizona State) tech. fall Nick Reenan (Wolfpack WC), 10-0
3rd – Max Dean (New York AC) dec. Jaron Smith (Terrapin WC), 14-10
5th – Taylor Venz (Nebraska WTC) dec. Keegan Moore (Titan Mercury WC), 8-1
7th – Jelani Embree (Beat the Streets Detroit) dec. Andrew Price (Lehigh), 8-5
96 kg/211 lbs.
1st – Andrew Marsden (Titan Mercury WC) dec. Nathan Traxler (Stanford-California RTC), 11-10
3rd – Samuel Colbray (C-RTC) dec. Kevin Snyder (Titan Mercury WC), 10-1
5th – Chase Singletary (Blairstown WC) forfeit Joshua Roetman (Navy-Marine Corps RTC)
7th – Ben Darmstadt (New York AC) dec. Brady Wetter (Wisconsin), 5-4
120 kg/264.5 lbs.
1st – Gable Steveson (Minnesota Storm) dec. Jordan Wood (Lehigh), 9-2
3rd – Shawn Streck (Boilermaker RTC) tech. fall Brandon Metz (Unattached), 11-1
5th – Rylee Streifel (Minnesota Storm) forfeit Anthony Cassioppi (Hononegah WC)
7th – Brian Barnes (McMinnville) forfeit Christian Rebottaro (Michigan State)
Semifinal Results
50 kg/110 lbs.
Malik Heinselman (Olympian WC) tech. fall Brendon Garcia (Steel City Elite), 12-2
Dack Punke (Unattached) dec. Jason Holmes (Thorobred), 8-4
55 kg/121 lbs.
Daton Fix (Titan Mercury WC) tech. fall Alex Thomsen (SWIFT), 10-0
Paul Bianchi (Bison WC) dec. Brandon Courtney (Sunkist Kids), 17-10
60 kg/132 lbs.
Mitchell Mckee (Minnesota Storm) tech. fall Jacob Silzer (IRTC), 10-0
Vitali Arujau (Finger Lakes) tech. fall Tariq Wilson (Wolfpack WC), 10-0
63 kg/138 lbs.
Sam Turner (Wyoming RTC) dec. Nick Lee (Nittany Lion WC), 8-6
Luke Pletcher (Titan Mercury WC) dec. Kaden Gfeller (Team BIG), 9-7
66 kg/145.5 lbs.
Ryan Deakin (Northwestern) dec. Yianni Diakomihalis (Finger Lakes), 6-4
Kanen Storr (C-RTC) dec. Patricio Lugo (Edinboro RTC), 8-7
70 kg/154 lbs.
Griffin Parriott (Boilermaker RTC) dec. Philip Conigliaro (Unattached), 11-3
Joe Lee (Maurer Coughlin WC) dec. David Carr (Titan Mercury WC), 14-5
74 kg/163 lbs.
Mark Hall (Nittany Lion WC) tech. fall Evan Wick (Wisconsin), 10-0
Alex Marinelli (Iowa) dec. David McFadden (SERTC-VT), 7-5
79 kg/174 lbs.
Kaleb Young (Iowa) tech. fall Ahmed Alford (Navy-Marine Corps RTC), 15-4
Jacob Covaciu (Wisconsin) dec. Joseph Grello (Scarlet Knights WC), 7-0
84 kg/185 lbs.
Zahid Valencia (Arizona State) tech. fall Jaron Smith (Terrapin WC), 10-0
Nick Reenan (Wolfpack WC) tech. fall Max Dean (New York AC), 10-0
96 kg/211 lbs.
Andrew Marsden (Titan Mercury WC) dec. Joshua Roetman (Navy-Marine Corps RTC), 6-4
Nathan Traxler (Stanford-California RTC) dec. Chase Singletary (Blairstown WC), 8-0
120 kg/264.5 lbs.
Gable Steveson (Minnesota Storm) tech. fall Anthony Cassioppi (Hononegah WC), 10-0
Jordan Wood (Lehigh) dec. Rylee Streifel (Minnesota Storm), 10-1