Dissident Barberry
Description Dissident Barberry with a taste of sweet barberry candy. Dissident is a new brand on the market, founded in 2017 by a group of Estonian people with one mission: to give you high-quality modern…
Description Dissident Barberry with a taste of sweet barberry candy. Dissident is a new brand on the market, founded in 2017 by a group of Estonian people with one mission: to give you high-quality modern…
Many injection molding parts are made using single-cavity tooling. That is, each mold core and cavity is designed to produce a single component for each shot of molten plastic. But this doesn’t have to be…
DIY Flower Kits to Suit the Fall Season Fall is the season of change. The cooling weather, the falling leaves, and the warmth in the air have a charm like no other. It’s hard…
Modefabriek : the trade show Mode Fabriek in Amsterdam, Holland, is an annual event dedicated to fashion characterized by its innovative style. Mode Fabriek benefits from the participation of international designers displaying their collections in…
Looks like it. Let’s list some facts: Fuelled by a Reddit-induced buying frenzy, silver prices reached an eight-year high in February. Although that rally has slowed, demand for silver coins and bars remains strong. A…
Description Cuba Light White Cherry 4mg – A sweet and savory all-white tobacco free pouch that delivers a soft nicotine kick, soft and juicy pouches that doesn’t stain your teeth and have a very classic…
Jul 01 Today NAW released Episode 5: Gut Check: A Distribution Point of View on Disruption and Change to subscribers of the NAW Podcast Series: INNOVATE TO DOMINATE, sponsored by PROS. In this episode, Mark Dancer, Author of…
Introduce When assembling MDF shelves, a key factor that is often overlooked is the type of screws used to secure them. MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) is a widely used material in furniture manufacturing due to its…
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve gone on the quest for the best CNC router for hobbyists but haven’t quite found “the one.” There are a lot of things to consider when shopping for…
近日,马耳他艺术委员会发布未来3年战略,即“2025战略”(Strategy 2025)。该战略基于联合国教科文组织定义的“文化权利”概念,历时9个月的咨询、采纳了200余人的意见,以“关怀、创造、繁荣”为核心,反映了马耳他艺术委员会“让艺术成为马耳他未来核心”的愿景。 该战略以推动艺术和文化更多地融入社会、时事、环境和社会福利为目的,具体包括六大目标:投资、支持多样化的艺术和文化表达;扶持、改善马耳他文化和创意部门蓬勃发展的环境;鼓励并提供社区参与文化、艺术活动的机会;强化马耳他国际文化关系,持续发展国际艺术合作;培育有助于马耳他可持续发展的跨部门合作;深化文化合作伙伴关系,建立和加强组织能力。 马耳他艺术委员会主席阿尔伯特·马歇尔认为,该战略反映了马耳他、欧盟对文化政策的讨论。他说:“新战略采取开放、合作、参与和促进的方式,加强不同部门间的相互联系,重视艺术表达的内在品质。” 马耳他国家遗产、艺术和地方政府部长欧文·鲍尼奇指出,该战略有助于人们更广泛地参与艺术与文化活动,能提升创新能力、丰富艺术遗产、活跃公民意识,从而提高公民整体幸福感。 “这仅仅是个开始,我们将继续讨论、研究相关措施,促进文化领域持续蓬勃发展。”马耳他艺术委员会资金和战略部主任玛丽·安·高奇说。 另据马耳他媒体报道,为尽快走出疫情阴霾,推动酒店餐饮业复苏,提高行业服务质量,马耳他旅游接待业日前推出一项新的服务质量标准——“星旅程”(Star Journey)。该标准由地中海旅游基金会与福布斯旅游指南联合发起,由福布斯旅游指南为参与机构颁发安全、教辅、住宿和餐饮4项认证。 福布斯旅游指南大使菲利普·博因认为,协作力是保持旅游接待业高标准的必要条件。无论酒店规模大小,都应以保证服务质量为首要目标。马耳他旅游部部长克莱顿·巴尔托洛表示,该标准的落实能为暂处于恢复阶段的旅游接待业提供更多支持。 马耳他酒店餐饮协会主席托尼·扎赫拉说,疫情期间的马耳他酒店和餐饮行业收入呈现“断崖”式下跌,但马耳他借此机会持续加大职业技能培训力度,为行业未来发展奠定了基石。他认为,质量并非意味着奢侈,而是尽力做到最好,新标准的成功落实也将进一步规范行业服务行为,促进酒店、餐饮业更好更快发展。 责任编辑:胡梦音 Keyword: 川剧