A charcoal drawing of a nude woman who bears a striking resemblance to the Mona Lisa may be the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, according to experts at the Louvre.

The drawing, known as the Monna Vanna, has long been believed to have been produced by his studio, but not necessarily by the Renaissance master himself.

Experts at the Louvre in Paris, which houses the world’s largest collection of Leonardo’s work, including the Mona Lisa, now believe that the nude is probably his work.

It will be included in a special exhibition at Chantilly later this year to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Da Vinci’s death.

The drawing is a preparatory sketch for a painting of a semi-nude woman and is housed at the Condé Museum at the château of Chantilly, 25 miles north of Paris, according to experts.

Mathieu Deldicque, a Louvre curator, said microscopic examinations revealed that the Monna Vanna was drawn from the top left to the bottom right, suggesting that it is the work of a left-handed artist. Leonardo is the world’s most famous left-handed painter.

“There is a very strong possibility that Leonardo did most of the drawing,” said Mr Deldicque, who initiated months of examinations of the sketch by historians and scientists at the Centre for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France. The centre, which has a reputation for reliability, studies and restores works of art housed in more than 1,200 museums across France. It uses high-tech scientific equipment to analyse and date them.

The Louvre is extremely cautious about attributing artworks to Leonardo. Its experts have reportedly concluded that the world’s most expensive painting, the Salvator Mundi, attributed to Leonardo when it was sold for a record $450 million (£342 million) in 2017, is not his work after all. The museum is understood to have cancelled plans to include it in a forthcoming Leonardo exhibition.

But the Louvre is giving the Monna Vanna the benefit of the doubt.

Bruno Mottin, a conservation expert at the museum, had earlier confirmed that the drawing on paper dated from the lifetime of Leonardo, who died in France in 1519. He was unsure whether it was the work of the polymath himself because of “hatching on the top of the drawing near the head done by a right-handed person”.

Now, Mr Deldicque said, new indications have been found pointing to the hand of the master. “We have discovered lots of new elements [including] left-handed charcoal strokes pretty much everywhere,” he said.

The drawing uses one of the hallmarks of Leonardo’s work, the “sfumato” technique, which softens transitions between colours, mimicking an area beyond what the eye focusses on, known as the “out-of-focus plane”. Da Vinci was the most prominent practitioner of this technique, which he employed in the Mona Lisa.

Nevertheless, Mr Deldicque cautioned: “We must remain prudent. We want to be serious and scientific about this. The quality of the drawing, both to the naked eye and under imaging analysis reveals the work of an exceptional hand. But we cannot be absolutely certain that it is the work of Leonardo and we may never be.”