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Fantastic Beasts producer David Heyman recently discussed the decision to extend the series to five movies from an initially planned trilogy.

In an interview with Collider, Heyman responded to a question about the extension, saying “It wasn’t a difficult conversation to have at the studio… it didn’t go from anybody speaking to Jo [Rowling] and saying, ‘You know what? Let’s milk this.’ Both in fairness to the studio, but also to Jo. While it may look like it to some people, there is nothing cynical about this. This is all from her head.”

25. Dobbyrnrnu0022Such a beautiful place… to be with friends.u0022 Itu0027s difficult to not get a bit misty-eyed recalling the moment when Dobby the house-elf said those words in Deathly Hallows Part 1, which were among his last. When we met Dobby, admittedly, he was pretty annoying. He was a strange, little creature with a habit of hurting himself, who made things very difficult for Harry Potter as he began his second year at Hogwarts. But Dobbyu0027s intentions were always noble, and his determination to help Harry, despite the short term consequences, was commendable.rn
rnDobbyu0027s role in the film series is far smaller than in the books, where he made frequent appearances in-between Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows. In the books, we saw more of how kind-hearted and loyal Dobby was, particularly towards Harry Potter, to whom he was indebted for his freedom. But even those who only knew Dobby from The Chamber of Secrets film were probably affected by his sacrifice in The Deathly Hallows Part 1, where he proved crucial in freeing Harry and his friends from a horrific scenario, only to fall victim to Bellatrix Lestrange in the process. The fact that Dobby, in his dying moments, clearly had no regrets about literally giving his all for his friend Harry resulted in one of the most touching moments in the series.”,”height”:999,”width”:1777,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpeg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”02″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

24. Gellert GrindelwaldrnrnHis reputation may have eventually been overshadowed by Voldemort, but there was a time when Grindelwald was the most feared villain in all the wizarding world. He only has one brief appearance in the main Harry Potter series, though one where he manages to stymie even Voldemort himself.rn
rnItu0027s the Fantastic Beasts movies where Grindelwald is truly coming into his own as a villain. These prequels are showcasing Grindelwaldu0027s reign of terror in the early 20th Century and his troubled relationship with close friend-turned-rival Albus Dumbledore. Itu0027s not every villain that can manage to hide in plain sight for an entire movie before finally revealing himself. “,”height”:675,”width”:1200,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”03″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

23. Ginny WeasleyrnOn hand in Chamber of Secrets as a lovesick little girl/vessel for Tom Riddleu0027s madness (following her cameo in The Sorcereru0027s Stone), Ginny and Harryu0027s eventual romance captivated us. It seemed to both spring up out of nowhere and feel like it was meant to be all along. It was only natural that Harry should wind up finding love in the same family where he foundu2026well, family. It was refreshing to finally see someone in Hogwarts see Harry as the proud and pensive catch that he was.rn
rnWhile it wasnu0027t really captured in the films, Ginny becomes a true leader of rebel forces like no other. Sheu0027s a strong, determined and alluring young woman who is always there to fight the forces of evil as a member of Dumbledoreu0027s Army. Ginny is the quintessential u0022girl who got her guyu0022 u2013 and we wouldnu0027t have it any other way.”,”height”:675,”width”:1200,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”04″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

22. Gilderoy LockhartrnrnGilderoy Lockhart is a real charmer. Itu0027s through sheer charisma (and the occasional memory charm) that he established himself in society as one of the most accomplished wizards of all time, without actually performing any of the heroic acts he claims to have done in numerous best-selling books.rn
rnThe vain and self-aggrandizing Lockhartu0027s habit of exaggerating his own deeds would backfire when he was hired as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He would at first relish the position as yet another avenue of self-promotion, but his buffoonery and incompetence soon got the best of Lockhart. His false claims are revealed by Harry Potter and his friends after Lockhart cowardly attempted to flee the school upon being ordered to confront the monster in the Chamber of Secrets.”,”height”:576,”width”:1024,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”05″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

21. Albus Severus PotterrnrnHarry Potter may have faced a difficult childhood being known as u0022The Boy Who Lived,u0022 but thatu0027s nothing compared to growing up with the biggest celebrity in the wizarding world for a father. Making matters worse is that Albus Severus is named after two of the other most important wizards in history. His central conflict is right there in his name. He feels the pull between fame and anonymity, good and evil, and Gryffindor and Slytherin.rn
rnTo date, the Potter movies have only given us a small glimpse of Harry and Ginnyu0027s troubled son. To get the full story behind Albus Severusu0027 time at Hogwarts and the adventures he faces, you have to be lucky enough to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on stage. But weu0027re hopeful that itu0027ll only be a matter of time before this young wizard gets his time in the cinematic spotlight.”,”height”:767,”width”:1363,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”06″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

20. Molly WeasleyrnImagine the perfect, loving, giving mother u2013 and then add magic. Thatu0027s Molly Weasley for you. We love her husband Arthur as well, but Mollyu0027s treatment of Harry has always been a particularly wonderful part of the series. Harry is an orphan, treated horribly by his aunt and uncle u2013 and his relationship with his godfather, Sirius, was tragically short. But since the day Harry met Molly, sheu0027s treated him like another son and given him the love, support, and yes, Christmas presents, heu0027d been lacking in his life.rn
rnWhile weu0027re used to Molly as a lovably concerned (or amusingly chastising, if youu0027re Fred and George), classic mother figure, she also has her own courage and strength to call upon u2013 willingly risking herself as a member of the Order of the Phoenix. And when her children are threatened, wellu2026 Letu0027s just say, Bellatrix learned her lesson the hard way.”,”height”:900,”width”:1600,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”07″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

19. Mad-Eye MoodyrnGrizzled. If thereu0027s one word that could describe Alastor u0022Mad-Eyeu0022 Moody in a nutshell, itu0027s u0022grizzled.u0022 One of the most renowned Aurors of all time, Moody was a fierce fighter for good in the First and Second Wizarding Wars. Heu0027d lost an eye, which was replaced with a magical one, he has a wooden leg, and his face is covered with scars. His experiences in battle left him emotionally damaged as well — paranoid, bitter, and eccentric.rn
rnIn spite of his seemingly fragile mental state, the veteran Moody was convinced to come out of retirement by Dumbledore to serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. But Moody was shortly attacked by Barty Crouch Jr., who would trap and subsequently impersonate him using polyjuice potion in service of Voldemort. The real Moody would go on to serve in the reformed Order of the Phoenix, faithfully protecting Harry Potter from Voldemort and his forces until he died in the line of duty in The Deathly Hallows Part 1.”,”height”:1152,”width”:2047,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”08″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

18. Minerva McGonagallrnrnAs the head of Gryffindor house and Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall can be a strict disciplinarian. She is quick to kick misbehaving students out of her class, and deduct house points when the situation warrants. But she can also be kind of like that cool aunt of yours — the one who sometimes lets you get away with a bit of mischief. And thatu0027s whatu0027s so endearing about McGonagall.rn
rnShe grew up attending Hogwarts and returned to the school as an adult to teach Transfiguration, under Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, who would later entrust her with the Deputy Headmistress position and serve with her in the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War. After the infant Harry Potteru0027s defeat of Voldemort, McGonagall was one of the members of the Order who traveled to Privet Drive to leave the child in the care of the Dursley family whom she viewed as the u0022worst kindu0022 of Muggles. She would later take Potter into her own house at Hogwarts and watch over him throughout his time there.”,”height”:675,”width”:1199,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:”09″,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

17. Dolores UmbridgernrnOh, how we hate this woman… which is why she belongs on this list. J.K. Rowling really outdid herself when she created Dolores Umbridge. Voldemort is a terrific villain to be sure u2013 but it could be argued that he never got under our skin like Umbridge did. Perhaps itu0027s because Voldemort came in and out of Harryu0027s life. His threat was ongoing, but he wasnu0027t walking around the hallways of Hogwarts. But Umbridge? For one miserable year, she was a constant, miserable presence in Harryu0027s life.rn
rnThis is a woman who thinks the appropriate way to punish a student involves making him perform a ritual which, thanks to magic, causes him to bleed over and over again u2013 one of many despicable acts. The fact that she spoke in a blatantly forced sing-song voice and wore gaudy pink clothing only added to her hideousness. Imelda Staunton does a great job playing this character, but it should be noted that as nasty as Umbridge is in the film, in the book, sheu0027s even worse u2013 causing many a Harry Potter reader to feel true hate for this fictional character. Stephen King referred to Umbridge as u0022the greatest make-believe villain to come along since Hannibal Lecter.u0022 “,”height”:799,”width”:1420,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:10,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

16. Lucius MalfoyrnrnDraco Malfoy was trouble from the second we met him, so it was no shock to discover his dear old dad was cut from the same cloth. A man of power and influence in the wizarding world, Lucius hides behind a shield of wealth, while plotting some very dark things. A longtime supporter of Voldemort, it was his actions that set into motion the entire plotline of The Chamber of Secrets, as he slid Tom Riddleu0027s old diary into Ginny Weasleyu0027s cauldron. His unwarranted, biting comments about the Weasley family are enough to make us hate him, but on top of that, Lucius has shown he is willing to do anything in support of his Dark Lord, including one-on-one confrontations with Harry.rn
rnLucius is brought to life in the films by the great Jason Isaacs, who gives the character just the right arrogant, smug attitude u2013 you can feel Luciusu0027 absolute conviction in his actions, and his anger that a boy like Potter would dare attempt to stop Voldemort and those, like Lucius, who follow his lead. Watching Luciusu0027 fall from grace in The Deathly Hallows Part 1, as he now had much more to prove to his Dark Lord, only added to our fascination with the character.”,”height”:750,”width”:1200,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:11,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

15. Newt ScamanderrnrnIt wouldnu0027t do for a Harry Potter spinoff series to feature a Harry Potter clone in the lead role. Thankfully, Newt Scamander has quickly established himself as a very different sort of wizard hero. Nerdy, awkward and obsessed with his work, Newt is sort of like if Hermione had been the main protagonist of the Harry Potter movies. rn
rnThanks to the Fantastic Beasts prequels, Newt has become our gateway into the weird and wonderful creatures of the Harry Potter universe. Weu0027d be happy to spend entire movies just exploring that bizarre suitcase of his. But thereu0027s more to this character than just colorful creatures. Heu0027s a wizard who has to fight against his innate instincts to keep to himself and embrace his destiny as a hero. That alone is enough to make him stand out. “,”height”:1151,”width”:2046,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:12,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

14. Remus LupinrnrnHarry Potter had good reason to distrust Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers, given his experiences in his first two years. Lucky for him, Remus Lupin was cut from very different cloth than Quirrell or Lockhart. Lupin is a kind, caring presence in Harryu0027s life, and while Dumbledore certainly was already looking out for Harry, Lupin was a much more available source of comfort and support for the orphaned boy, during the single year he taught him u2013 at least when it wasnu0027t a full moon. An old friend of Harryu0027s parents, he was able to give Harry personal, intimate insight into who they were that no one else had been able to provide.rn
rnAll that, and heu0027s a werewolf! Lupin doesnu0027t see that as a plus of course, but itu0027s a very cool extra component to the character, as we see this thoughtful, warm man work to control the monster he turns into. And while Lupinu0027s role is lessened after The Prisoner of Azkaban, he remains a dependable figure in Harryu0027s life and a valiant member of the Order of the Phoenix u2013 and eventually, for Tonks, something even more important.”,”height”:675,”width”:1199,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:13,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

13. Luna Lovegoodrnrnu0022I know sheu0027s insane, but itu0027s in a good way.u0022 Ron Weasleyu0027s characterization of Luna Lovegood is precisely what makes this u0022Looneyu0022 Ravenclaw girl such a delight. Sheu0027s an offbeat type with an interest in the macabre. And really, itu0027s not surprising that sheu0027s a little strange when you consider that her mother died in a tragic magical accident when she was young and her father, Xenophilius, publishes the outrageous wizarding tabloid The Quibbler.rn
rnWhile Luna is often shunned for her oddball ways, things change when she meets Harry Potter and friends on the Hogwarts Express on the way to their fifth year at school. Luna joins the cadre of heroic students in Dumbledoreu0027s Army and plays a critical role within the group.”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:14,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

12. Rubeus HagridrnrnFor a boy like Harry, who grew up without any friends, a big warm and fuzzy brute like Hagrid couldnu0027t have busted down the door at a better time. And a true friend he was. When others among the staff at Hogwarts were quick to skewer Harry with insults or shrug off his queries with mysterious glares, Hagrid was always there as a true confidant. Itu0027s always helpful to have a big lug on the payroll whou0027s got your back, even if he is a bit of a well-intentioned klutz.rn
rnHagridu0027s most powerful and emotional moments still resonate because of his history with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Heu0027s the surrogate for us, the audience, as we watch our favorite students mature and develop into young warriors. The short scene in Goblet of Fire, when he walks through the woods with our heroes, recollecting favorable times with the three of them, gave us all a cherished memory.”,”height”:1566,”width”:2783,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:15,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

11. Fred & George WeasleyrnrnWhile our three heroes fumbled and stumbled about at Hogwarts, trying to decide what their futures held, the Weasley twins had the luxury of knowing their passion: pranks, gags and gaffes. While everyone else fretted over their exams, Ronu0027s older brothers had an entrepreneuru0027s eye and a magicianu0027s mirth. Having always been on hand to help Harry out in tough situations, the brave brothers were auspiciously born on April Foolu0027s.rn
rnThe more they pestered and prodded at Ron, the more we realized that they were the kind of older brothers that we all would have wanted to grow up with. Taking umbrage at Umbridge and leaving Hogwarts with a bang in Order of the Phoenix showed us that these two werenu0027t just goofy side-splitters; they were brave and valiant freedom fighters. And Fred would pay the ultimate price for that spirit eventually.”,”height”:863,”width”:1534,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:16,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

10. Bellatrix LestrangernrnSome people just enjoy being evil. If youu0027re looking for proof, let us introduce you to Bellatrix Lestrange u2013 and suggest you pray that you survive the encounter. Bellatrix has little of the cold, calculating nature of Voldemort or Lucius Malfoy. She simply relishes doing wicked, wicked things u2013 and laughing all the while. Her villainy would have been cemented simply by her backstory, as we discovered she had tortured poor Neville Longbottomu0027s parents so horrifically, it left them insane.rn
rnBut after she escaped from Azkaban, Bellatrix proved she was far from done. She murdered her own cousin, Sirius Black, and, per usual, seemed more entertained than anything by what sheu0027d done u2013 which left Harry Potter without someone heu0027d come to love like a family member. She then went on to sadistically torture Hermione and murdered Dobby, giving this woman a stunning list of horrific u0022accomplishments.u0022 Considering all the destruction she was responsible for, her ultimate fate seemed well earned.”,”height”:1502,”width”:2669,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:17,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

9. Draco MalfoyrnrnAs we follow Harry Potteru0027s path of righteous adventure during his years at Hogwarts, it only makes sense that we follow his cracked mirror reflection. As someone that grew up totally opposite to Harry, the Aryan, aristocratic puke known as Draco Malfoy was privileged, pompous and prejudiced. While the threat of Voldemortu0027s return loomed outside the walls of Hogwarts, Harry needed a lesser evil to keep him occupied when school was in session. And Draco did his absolute best to make Harryu0027s life as harried and horrible as possible.rn
rnBut just when we were beginning to think that Draco was nothing more than a nuisance, he got charged, by the Dark Lord, with killing Dumbledore himself. And suddenly, we were witnesses to Dracou0027s initiation into the ranks of true evil and found ourselves actually invested in his choices – particularly when we saw, as Dumbledore did, that Draco Malfoy, as nasty as he is, was not a murderer.”,”height”:719,”width”:1278,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:18,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

8. Sirius Blackrnrnu0022Have you seen this wizard?u0022 u0022Approach with extreme caution!u0022 u0022Notify immediately by owl the Ministry of Magic.u0022 So read the wanted posters plastered everywhere in the wizarding world upon Sirius Blacku0027s escape from Azkaban prison, where heu0027d been sent years earlier for the murder of 12 Muggles and aiding Lord Voldemort. But Sirius is an innocent man. And itu0027s after he is vindicated that the character truly comes alive.rn
rnSirius was a close friend of James and Lily Potter, so much so that they named him as Harryu0027s godfather. And while he maintains a sort of edgy, rebellious appeal — emitting a truly badass vibe at times — itu0027s the father/son relationship that begins to develop between Sirius and Harry that endears the character to us. Sadly, however, Sirius meets his untimely demise before he can truly become the full-fledged father figure that Harry so craves.”,”height”:1151,”width”:2046,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:19,”albumTotalCount”:26},{“caption”:”

7. VoldemortrnrnThe greatest thing about Lord Voldemort (AKA Tom Marvolo Riddle) was that he was rotten to his very core. There would be no redemption for such a wicked spirit. There was never any u0022goodu0022 lying dormant underneath Voldemortu0027s dark exterior. He was never corrupted as a child; he was the corrupter. When other powerful sorcerers donu0027t even have the cajones to speak your name, then you know youu0027ve truly arrived as the ultimate master of malice.rn
rnAs the most sinister popular villain since Darth Vader, Voldemort was truly frightening. In book after book, Harry managed to evade certain death only by the skinny skin of his teeth. We literally could not figure out a way that Harry, as cunning as he was, could ever defeat such a powerfully evil force. Voldemort might not have been able to comprehend love or friendship, but that certainly didnu0027t stop us from taking delight in such a devilishly dreadful dude.”,”height”:720,”width”:1280,”url”:””,”styleUrl”:”{size}.jpg”,”credit”:””,”objectRelationName”:””,”objectRelationUrl”:””,”albumName”:”The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters”,”relativePosition”:20,”albumTotalCount”:26}]’

“So she begins with three films, because she thinks that’s the story she wants to tell, and then as she digs deeper… and she hadn’t written anything when she said three. Then she wrote the first, and as she was writing the second, actually just before then, but as she says we working on the first, she began to realize there was a whole lot more, and she was trying to figure out, ‘how the hell am I going to squeeze this into three?’”

Later in the interview, Heyman said that he knows the title for the third movie, which could possibly be released in 2020, and confirmed that all five movies will begin with the “Fantastic Beasts” moniker.

News came from Rowling that the trilogy would be extended back in 2016, saying at that point that considering it a trilogy was “kind of a placeholder.” Earlier this year, director David Yates confirmed that each film would take place in a different city: the first took place in New York City, while The Crimes of Grindelwald largely takes place in Paris.

Check out our review of The Crimes of Grindelwald, which we called “Great” saying “Rowling has improved upon the first Fantastic Beasts film by fleshing out her characters in a way that’s engaging, though not everybody receives as much attention.”

Colin Stevens is a news writer for IGN. Follow him on Twitter.