PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents a special Thursday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast featuring a WrestleMania 36 Preview with ex-WWE Creative Team member and professional stand-up comedian Matt McCarthy.
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Hulk Hogan knows what he’s going to get from his whole Gawker lawsuit over the leaking of his sex tape, as Hogan and Gawker reached a settlement for $31 million, reports the New York Times. Gawker founder Nick Denton says Hogan’s retirement “will be comfortable” and took some digs at the source of the legal funding for Hogan. “After four years of litigation funded by a billionaire [Peter Thiel] with a grudge going back even further, a settlement has been reached,” he wrote in a blog.
“As with any negotiation for resolution, all parties have agreed it is time to move on,” Hogan’s longtime attorney David Houston said in a statement.
Denton said that he didn’t believe pursuing all legal remedies via appeals made sense for him and his company. He felt the ruling of $140 million by a Florida jury was excessive and would have been reduced or eliminated, “but all-out legal war with Thiel would have cost too much, and hurt too many people, and there was no end in sight.” He said he was just ready to move on.