
Jim Ross is back once again with another blog entry. You can read the full blog at his official website. Some highlights:

Warrior vs. McMahon at WM25: I read on the vaunted Internet that the Warrior has challenged Mr. McMahon for a bout at WM25 in Houston next year. Certainly a provocative idea, that I seriously doubt would ever come to fruition, but it may be an idea that Dana White might want to explore for aUFC attraction. But as we all saw Monday night, as Monday Night Raw so abruptly went off the air on the USA Network, anything can happen in the WWE. Much like a grotesque car accident, one would have to at least peak at a Mr. McMahon-Warrior encounter.

Regal Staying RAW GM: So, Raw General Manager William Regal is not going to give up his G.M. Title which makes the current King of the Ring have a fair amount of stroke in the ‘rasslin world it would seem. If Regal is ever going to take his wrestling game to the next level, he may well never have a better opportunity than now. I suggest strike while the iron is hot because this sort of timing might not be replicated again any time soon.

Bret Hart at FCW: Natalya Neidhart, who we barely saw Monday night but is going to be special, told me her Uncle Bret Hart was in Florida and I just hope that someone will invite Bret to the Florida Championship Wrestling training facility to talk to the prospects. Few men I have ever known in this business have the vision and complete understanding of what is needed bell to bell as does Bret.

Joey Styles & Joey Styles is already making a huge difference at and you don’t have to take my work for it just check out the site. It’s amazing what a bright guy with actual product knowledge can do in a role such as Joey has now. He too seems really happy with the way things are working out but he also readily admits that he is still on his “honeymoon period”.

* CREEPY Pictures of HULK HOGAN Oiling Up His Daughter Brooke [>]