North Macedonia moved a step closer to Nato membership on Wednesday, signing accession papers after resolving a long-running name row with Greece, whose own region in the north of the country is called Macedonia.

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said it was a "historic day" which will lead to North Macedonia becoming the 30th alliance member, once the deal has been ratified by all the other capitals.

Nato and the EU welcomed the move as bringing more stability to the Balkans, but the alliance’s expansion into the region has been opposed by Moscow, which regards it as part of its own "sphere of influence".

After signing the accord with representatives of current Nato members at alliance headquarters in Brussels, North Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov said membership would make his country safer.

"What’s important for us is we’ll never walk alone again and we stand beside these 29 allies able and ready to assume the obligations arising from our full membership," Dimitrov said.

Stoltenberg said the move would bring "more stability to the Western Balkans", adding that he looked forward "to seeing thirty Allied flags fly outside Nato headquarters".

"I want to congratulate both Skopje and Athens for showing commitment and courage in reaching an agreement on the name issue. We can now look to the future," Stoltenberg said.

The Greek parliament is on Friday expected to formally back Macedonia’s Nato accession bid.