RAW this week starts with Bret Hart and Teddy Long coming out to the ring together to Hart’s music. Bret welcomes us to the very first edition of Viewers Choice Monday Night RAW. For the first time we can vote live on WWE.com as things happen. Teddy thanks Bret for inviting him to the show. He says we might decide the fate of the WWE Championship. We’ll decide everyone’s opponents. Teddy said right now they have to deal with Orton. Orton comes out to the ring with his arm in a sling. Video of Orton’s shoulder being smashed last week. Orton says he wants Bret to forget about the Viewer’s Choice, Bret has a choice. Her wants Edge and wants him tonight. If Bret doesn’t then he’ll find him backstage and do it. Edge is determined to take him out, so Orton’s taking Edge with him. So do they have a deal? Edge comes stomping out stopping all of this. Huge heat for Edge. If Orton wants a match this bad, then he should have it, so Edge can finish what he started. Teddy had an idea for Bret and whispered in his ear. Bret says he likes that. Since it’s Viewer’s Choice, everyone in the arena gets to decide. Teddy said it’s Miami’s choice tonight. They will face in either a debate, an sit up contest or a one on one match with Edge’s arm tied behind his back. Orton smirks, Edge says they can’t do that!. Bret asks the fans if they want a debate? No. how about a sit up contest? Nope! How about Edge’s arm tied behind his back? Yuppers! “You suck!” chants for Edge who leaves. Now for the first Viewer’s Choice of the night. Jericho versus Big Show. A – Over the rope challenge. B – Submission Match. C – Body slam challenge. Vote online now! When we return we’ll know what the Viewer’s Choice is! Big Show comes out all smiles to the ring and shakes hands with Teddy and Bret while King and Cole talk about voting.
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Big Show’s in the ring packing, all smiles, mugging for the camera. Matt Striker is ringside announcing what the fans have picked. Up on the tron is Body Slam Challenge with 48%. Jericho comes stomping out looking rather pissed off. Big Show is laughing!
The bell rings. Big Show offers up for Jericho to start. Jericho bitch slaps Big Show. Big Show head butts Jericho, then chops him in a corner. Jericho into another corner and then moves for Big Show to splash the corner. Jericho tries to get Big Show up to no avail. Big Show forearms Jericho to the mat. Another head butt to Jericho. Jericho saw the knock out blow was coming and fled. Big Show grabs Jericho by the head but Jericho hangs Big Show on the ropes and then in after that right arm. Big Show pushes Jericho off, but Jericho right back onto that arm. Big Show sells well at first, but then grabs Jericho for a choke slam. Jericho rakes the eyes and climbs. Big Show swats Jericho away. Jericho in a cross body and Big Show grabs him like he’s nothing and slams for the win.
– Winner: Big Show.
Big Show then drops onto Jericho in a submission hold. Jericho tapped and he was announced the winner of the Submission Challenge. Big Show about to leave, but then returns to toss Jericho out to win the Top Rope Challenge. Big Show slaps hands on his way out as Jericho lays out there looking stricken.
The next Viewer’s Choice is who will the Hart Dynasty face? A – John and Jay Uso? B – The Dudebusters? C – Khali & Hornswoggle? They will plead their cases.
Backstage the Usos are up. One of the brothers says for the past two weeks they’ve left the Harts laying. Then the Dudebuster. They say we’ll be better for voting for them. Then the camera swings to the other two. Khali yells with his arms in the air and Hornswoggle follows. The other two teams turn to look.
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The Hart Dynasty is in the ring, all smiles. Khali and Hornswoggle won with 54%! The Usos looked over at Khali and Hornswoggle in shock. Hornswoggle and then Khali out to the ring together.
Kidd and Khali start. Kidd starts with Kidd. Khali knocks him down then tosses into a corner. Back elbow to Kidd. Slap to Kidd’s chest and he crumbles. Natalya slaps the apron, but Khali gets Kidd up and slams. Hornswoggle tags in and climbs and flies but Kidd moves. Smith, outside takes out Khali outside. In the ring Kidd pins Hornswoggle for three.
– Winners: The Hart Dynasty
The Usos rush the ring as the Harts celebrate, but the Harts are ready for it. Natalya takes Tamina down as the guys throw blows. Jimmy and Jay are tossed out, as well as Tamina.
Cole and King talking but King says he has a problem and leaves announce. Cole says he wants to talk about Taker. Kane found Taker in a vegetative state. Kane sought revenge and answers. Video from SD! Kane went off about vengeance while in the ring. He then was in tears yelling that he should have been there.
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The actors from the A-Team were announced. Bradley Cooper came out and said he doesn’t know where the other two are. He pushed the movie and RAW. Then he leaves. That was quick!
Backstage King’s looking for someone and then the other guys from the A-Team pull King in and rip off their moustaches. It’s B.A. Baracus and Murdock. King says something very important was taken from him (boo, hiss), his crown. He’s had it for 30 years and has geared it with his life. Murdock puts on a British accent and says they’ll find it, call him royalty, etc, puts on the full crazy act. B.A. Baracus then told him to shut up, fool. He says he watches RAW all the time and he thinks he knows who took it. They run out and into the Bellas. One talks to Rampage about his fights. He’s confused, he’s B.A. Baracus! The other Bella was all over Copley, but he’s Murdock. She comments on a movie he was in. he says that Copley guy acted great and should get the Oscar. Thumbs up to the camera then gone.
Santino out to the ring. He and Kozlov will either have, A – Match. B – Arm Wrestling Competition. C – Dance Off. Time to vote!
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Kozlov out to the ring looking rather stern. Cole says he’s one of the most feared in the locker room. The Viewer’s Choice is Dance-Off with 84%.
Santino says before he was released he was Backstreet Boy #6. This one is in the banks. Santino dances first. Kozlov takes off his robe. The music starts and he starts some really bad modern dance with some pop and club dancing mixed in. Much of it back club from the 90’s. he ends with the cobra. Striker asks Kozlov about how he feels. Kozlov says he’s more stronger faster. Kozlov does a robot type move, then the moon walks, a bit Charleston, then the worm, a bit of bad breaking and ended in a bad gymnast move with his arms up. Kozlov won by a landslide!
– Winner: Kozlov
Santino extended his hand. Kozlov took it, spun Santino in, around in tight and then out. “Catch me Kozlov!” Santino ran at him but Kozlov pushed him off to land. Kozlov gave a little two step, then left the ring.
Divas backstage getting ready, all lined up back there. Cole wishes King’s back before the Divas. This is the Divas Supper Spectacular. A – 6 On 6 Tag Match. B – Diva Battle Royal. C – Champ Vs. Champ (Layla Vs. Eve).
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All the Divas come out to the stage to find out what the match will be. Eve on one end, Layla and Michelle on the other. In the ring King is announcing this. The choices up and the match will be, Battle Royal with 73%. Eve leads the way to the ring.
The bell and they all go at it. Michelle on Tiffany hard in the center of the ring. Rosa tossed out first. Layla pushed out by Tiffany. Layla on keely in the middle of the ring. Michelle knocked Kelly out. Bellas have Maryse on the top rope. Kim eliminates Fox and herself. Bellas knocked out together by Lay-Cool. Lay-Cool double clotheslined by Eve. Lay-Cool eliminated by Eve. Maryse and Jillian attacked Eve. Jillian held Eve while Maryse attacked over and over. Eve eliminated. Jillian all excited about being winners together, but Maryse attacked her and threw her out.
– Winner: Maryse
Eve glared from outside while Maryse posed. Video of high points from the match. Aryse posing on the stage.
Cole says we’re in charge tonight. King was bummed he wasn’t at announce for the Dance-Off. They then talk about the Jericho versus Big Show match where Big Show won all three matches!
Backstage Sheamus is walking along. Kane is in the shadow staring. Kane walks up and says the fact that he’s not on SD! means nothing to Kane. He took out HHH, why not Taker? Sheamus says he wouldn’t be quiet about it. He doesn’t waste his time on sneak attacks. He doesn’t like false accusations. Kane says he doesn’t like liars and will see him real soon.
Who Sheamus faces is up to us! A – Kane. B- Mark Henry. C – Evan Bourne.
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Sheamus out to the ring. Video of Cena facing Edge and Sheamus with Evan Bourne as his partner. Evan and Cena took Sheamus and Edge down. Evan pinned Sheamus for three after the SSP. Sheamus was glaring at the tron. Sheamus will face Kane with 88%. Sheamus looks shocked. Kane smiles backstage and heads for the ring. Sheamus still looks really nervous in the ring. Kane out to the ring while Cole explains again about Taker.
Knee to Sheamus, then upper cut. Sheamus tossed out like a doll! Outside a punch to Sheamus, then into the barrier. Sheamus punches Kane in the gut, but Kane sends him into the apron gut first. Sheamus into the ring and Kane climbs. Sheamus knocked Kane to sitting. Sheamus grabs Kane and hit’s a running poser slam for two.
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Punches to Kane’s head. Sheamus drops Kane to the mat for two. Kane’s arms wrenched back while on the mat. Kane up and muscles out of the hold. Sheamus runs into the big boot. Punches to Sheamus. Sheamus whipped then clotheslined in the corner. Sidewalk slam. Low dropkick to a sitting Sheamus for two. Kane climbs again. Flying clothesline from Kane. Kane grabs Sheamus fort he choke slam. Sheamus out. Kane grabs again, Sheamus out again. Sheamus hit’s a backbreaker on Kane. Kane avoids a big boot and clotheslines Sheamus from the ring. Choke slam to Sheamus who rolls out of the ring. The ref counts. Sheamus up on the apron and nine, but drops off the apron and walks off.
– Winner: Kane via count out
Video replay of the final choke slam.
Later Cena will face who? A- Jack Swagger. B – Rey Mysterio. C – CM Punk.
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Tomorrow’s the Season 2 Premier. Video looking back at Wade Barrett.
Backstage Savannah with Wade. He doesn’t understand why she’s asking, the results were never in question. She should ask him next week when something’s been accomplished that’s never been accomplished before.
Ted’s freaking out about Viewer’s Choice to Virgil. These people don’t deserve power. He should be running the show. B.A. Baracus and Murdock, FBI, asking Ted about the crown. Ted says he can buy anything, why take the crown. Murdock threatens lie detector test. Ted says those don’t work. B.A. Baracus threatens to use his fists on Virgil. Ted calls to Uncle Irwin for help. I.R.S. come out with a crown on his head. He says King never paid his back taxes on the jewels on the crown, so he owns it now. Murdock says they’re from the FBI and will be taking it, but Ted stops him, says he know who he is, and B.A. Baracus is too. They’re the A-Team. The crown was fake. Gas fills the room. I.R.S., Virgil and Ted have masks. Murdock yells for people to get behind him, he’s immune to gas, as he passes out sniffing the gas.
Split screen shows Miz and R-Truth heading to the ring, backstage.
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R-Truth out singing. Cheap pop for Miami from R-Truth. He says what’s is the WWE Universe. It was up to them to pick his tag team partner. It’s time for the moment of truth. Backstage they’re lined up. Christian? No pop. MVP? Some pop. Morrison? Some pop. Morrison with 54%. Morrison is all excited and heads for the ring. Next we get to decide on Miz’s partner. Ziggler? Regal? Ryder? Miz comes out with a mic in hand. Miz says the WWE Universe makes great decisions. Morison with R-Truth? They chose Khali to tag with Hornswoggle. They put Kozlov in a Dance-Off! They don’t know what they want! It doesn’t matter who he’s tagging with! Let’s see who it will be. And it is Ryder with 45%. Zack Ryder comes strutting out in his interesting, very 80’s, ring gear. In the ring Miz whips Ryder’s glasses off.
R-Truth and Miz lock up. Knee to R-Truth’s gut, then R-Truth is slammed backward. Killer hip toss to the Miz. Morrison tagged in and they double teamed Miz. R-Truth tags in and they double team Miz again. R-Truth pins Miz for two. Ryder get the tag and rushes in. neck breaker on R-Truth for two. Miz tags in. Ryder holds R-Truth, Miz kicks him in the ribs. Punches to R-Truth’s head and a kick knocks him to the mat. A running kick to R-Truth and Miz pins for two. Chinlock on R-Truth on the mat. Up to their feet and R-Truth suplexes Miz! Morrison gets the fans going but R-Truth can’t tag out as Miz has his foot. R-Truth kicks out of his shoe and Morrison gets the tag. Morrison works Miz over. A knee to Miz’s face and he pins, but Ryder breaks the count. R-Truth in and R-Truth tossed out. Kick to Ryder’s head from Morrison. SCF from Miz on Morrison for three.
– Winner: Miz & Zack Ryder
They pose on corners and then leave with a high five on the ramp. (A new team for Miz? He could really help Ryder!) Video of the high points of the match.
Edge says it’s not fair to him. Bret says it will happen and walks off. Kane calls to Bret and then asks if he took out Taker. Bert came back for closure. Taker and Bret have quite a history. Was it that Taker’s legend surpassed Bret? If he finds out it was Bret, he’ll be in a vegetative state, just like Taker!
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Edge out to the ring. Video of Edge and Orton in the ring last week. Edge ate an RKO, but later Edge slammed a door into Orton’s shoulder. “RKO” chants. Orton’s music and the arena erupted. Out he comes, arm in a sling. Promo for their match at Fatal 4 Way. Edge’s arm was tied behind his back. Orton’s arm still in the sling.
They dance around. Edge tries to hit with his free arm. Edge tries to hit with his free arm and then tries to kick Orton. Orton clotheslined and then kicked him to the mat. Orton stomped around Edge. Orton set up and tried to hit a left armed RKO, Edge pushed off. Edge countered and knocked Orton down with a shoulder block. Edge untied his arm and then stomped Orton in a corner. The ref yelled at Edge. Edge right back on Orton. The ref called for the bell.
– Winner: Orton via DQ
Edge doesn’t care about the DQ. Edge runs for the spear, but Orton kicks Edge, then kicks him from the ring. Orton from the ring. Edge slams a chair into Orton’s shoulder. Edge slams the chair down on Orton’s shoulder (didn’t even touch him, so well done!). Edge pulls some of his own hair out, then leave the area. Edge back up the Rampage posing to serious heat. Video of the attack outside the ring. Edge is smiling on the ramp as Orton gets to his feet, shaking and seething.
King and Cole talk about the show. Orton’s being tended to ringside. Cole talks about the matches tonight. The fans erupt in cheers and calls for Orton. King and Cole talk about the Diva Battle Royal with video shown. King and Cole talk about who should face Cena later? But no voting for that yet.
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Video of Wade winning NXT. Season 2 Premier tomorrow night! They ran through the new guys with pictures, then all of them in the ring.
Video of Edge’s attack on Orton.
Backstage Cena talking to Evan. Evan thanks Cena. Cena says no. Last week Evan showed he’s one of the most courageous, energizing superstars on RAW. Evan thanked him. Savannah comes up to Cena and asks how he feels know knowing who he’s facing tonight. He says for moths his life’s been chaos. At least tonight his hands lay in the most able bodied decision makers, the WWE Universe. They might not always like him, but they’re fair. He doesn’t have to wait for his name to be called. He’ll walk to the ring and do what he does. He hopes whoever’s name is called, they’re in the same frame of mind.
Murdock comes to and asks what happened? Mean Gene is there. He says right now Copley has a problem. He asks why people are calling him that? He’s a well respected actor, delusional at times, but that’s something else. He needs to find his partner. Gene says he has problems. The door’s locked, B.A. Baracus is gone, he has a problem. He falls back into character. Gene say he has a chance to outshine the original. The clown who replaced Gene is horrible. Josh tells Gene that he’s right there. The camera pans to Josh. Murdock says he’s living a dream? Then he takes off. Josh asks if they can talk about this? “Save it loser!” says Gene!!!
Drew McIntyre out to the ring. Teddy on the tron to tell Drew who he can face. Yoshi? Goldust? Mystery opponent? Cole says we hold the fate of Drew in our hands.
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Striker says drew will be facing, Mystery man by 88%. He comes out and it’s Matt Hardy. Teddy and Matt say they’ve got him! Matt Hardy out to the ring. Drew’s screaming at the ref. Drew says this match isn’t happening. The ref has to back Hardy up. Hardy’s suspended and he made sure of that. Teddy comes out and says Hardy was suspended from SD! not RAW.
The bell and Hardy on Drew hard! Punches, then on the mat. Drew sent out and Hardy follows. Drew slammed onto announce, then the barrier. Head butt to Drew. Back in the ring Hardy runs into a big boot. Drew rushes Hardy in a corner. Hardy moves and Drew slams into the ring post shoulder first. Twist of fate and Hardy get the three.
– Winner: Matt Hardy
Hardy back on Drew hard. Hardy slammed Drew’s head on the mat over and over, pulling out hair until Drew gets free and flees. Hardy’s left standing in the ring holding clumps of hair and yelling smack at Drew.
B.A. Baracus backstage looking confused. He’s cuffed to a chair. Ted, Virgil and I.R.S. have him contained. Ted says if he wants answers, he’ll get them. They won’t fly anywhere, it’s straight to the ring.
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I.R.S. and Virgil cuff B.A. Baracus to the ring rope. Ted says everybody’s got a price. Someone wanted him handed to them on a silver platter. Ted named his price and here he is. Out comes Piper with a black Indiana Jones hat on. Piper says at the first WM, everything was about the A-Team. At WM, he silenced Mr. T. Now Piper has to start all over again! A-Team, the movie! The biggest movie this summer. Listen to Piper! Everyone keeps asking if he’s seeing the A-Team? No, he’s not! Every time you think you have the answers, Piper changes the questions. Piper right in his face. He’s doing the whole world a favor. He’s going to beat the Mohawk off Mr. Bad Attitude. He pities the fool who messes with the Hot Rod. The out comes Dusty Rhodes, driving a golf cart. Next to him is Mean Gene! In the back is Murdock! All of them around the ring. B.A. Baracus pushes Virgil and I.R.S. away. B.A. Baracus pulls free of his restraints and hit’s a spine buster on Ted! B.A. Baracus rips his shirt off. Elbow to I.R.S.’s head from Dusty! Virgil pushed into B.A. Baracus by Piper. Virgil gets a choke slam! Murdock pulls B.A. Baracus and Dusty into side hugs. Mean Gene congratulates the A-Team. B.A. Baracus raises Copley’s hand. Copley said Gene brought him around that he was living a dream. And speaking of dreams, Dusty Rhodes lives in Florida! The rest is history! Dusty says it’s great when a plan comes together. He says A-Team’s a groovy movie, if you weeeeeell. Rampage picks up King crown and holds it high.
King and Cole say the polls are finally open for Cena’s match.
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Cole says we can still pick Cena’s opponent. King thanks all who participated. Cole asks who King’s voting for. King voted for Rey to face Cena. Then his computer froze up. King wanted a hammer, then his vote went through. They were all excited.
Backstage Josh is asking each of them the same question, why should he face Cena tonight. Rey says he has a saying, in order to get to the top, you have to go after the top. Cena’s the top dog on RAW. Top dog on SD!? Rey. Who can beat Cena tonight? The master of the 619. Josh asks Swagger. He says it’s Champion versus Champion. Monday versus Friday. All American versus the face of the company. He lives for matches like this. Josh starts and Punk tells him he asks the stupidest questions. He should ask why Cena would want to face the Straight Edge Savior? Only Punk can make Cena a better person, the way he did Luke Gallows and the beautiful Serena. He’ll beat Cena and then Cena will join the Straight Edge Society. Then everyone will know, I’m better than you.
Cena’s music and he comes running out to the wild fans. Women and children on their feet yelling and screaming for him while most men are sitting, rolling their eyes or booing. Off comes Cena’s hate and out to the crowd. Striker on announce says it’s time for the main event. Who will face John Cena? We wait and wait for the numbers. CM Punk with 45%. Punk and the Straight Edge Society head out to the ring. Stills of Punk getting his head shaved by Rey at Over The Limit. King wants Cena to pull Punk’s mask off.
They dance around they lock up. Cena goes for the mask and Punk flees the ring. “Cena” chants from women and children. Punk back in and kicks at Cena. Side headlock on Cena. Cena pushes out, Punk runs into a shoulder lock. Gallows yelling about the mask outside the ring, but then some chants start. “You can’t wrestle” from a rather masculine sounding subset of the audience. Arm bar and snap mare on Punk. Punk reversed and they actually did some mat wrestling! Cena after the mask again and Punk rolls out. Serena and Luke check on the mask. “Cena” chants from a much higher register. Punk works over Cena. Shoulders into Cena’s gut in a corner. Snap mare, then Punk nails a low dropkick to the back of Cena’s head as he sits there. Cena goes for the STF, Punk has the bottom ropes. Cena fights back, whips Punk, then the bulldog but Luke trips Cena as Serena blocks the ref’s view. Cena rolls to the apron.
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Punk sends Cena out through the ropes. Serena kicks Cena in the ribs. Punk out and kicks Cena in the back. Punk sends Cena back into the ring and drops a double fist to his back, then kicks Cena in the ribs over and over as Cena gets up. Super Cena to his feet and punches back. They run the ropes and a couple shoulder blocks from Cena. Punk slammed to the mat and gets ready for a five knuckle shuffle. Wade Barrett comes out to the stage. Cena hit’s the move half heartedly. Wade walks down the ramp. Punk up for the AA, but then Cena just drops him. Wade almost to ringside, Luke on the opposite side of the ring. Michael Tarver comes in through the crowd. Punk back into the ring and Cena sends him out. Almost all the rookies are there and they take out Punk and Gallows. Then Wade nods and they all get up on the apron. They’re all wearing black armbands with NXT on them. The ref’s taken out by Otunga. Then they get closer in on Cena. Cena goes after Wade, but they all go after Cena. They beat the hell out of him. Finally they all stop at Wade’s word. Only Bryan is left pounding on Cena. They all spread out. Outside the ring Skip takes out Matt Striker. Slater and Gabriel go after King who tries to fight back but is out numbered. He’s taken down. They stomp him down. No clue where Cole went. They flipped announce and trashed everything they could get their hands on. All the ring crew was attacked. They beat up Justin. Slaughter came out and was taken down. They started ripping apart the ring. Chairs flying. Justin choked out badly with his tie. All the pads ripped up. Fans yelling to ring the bell! a floor pad slammed on Slaughter by Slater. In the ring (such as it is) Cena gets to his feet and Tarver takes him out. Chairs all over. The mat ripped up. The skirts gone. Otungo slammed Cena down. All the rookies back in the ring. Slater throws Cena into Darren Young’s clothesline. Young pulls Cena up and sends him into Slater’s clothesline. Slater and Young get Cena up for Skip, but Punk rushes the ring and is really beaten down, held on by Bryan. Punk thrown out of the ring. Slater and Young get Cena up and sent into Skip’s SICK clothesline. Slater grabbed a ring rope to choke Cena, but Wade stops him. Bryan yells over and over at Cena that he’s not better than Bryan. Bryan spits in Cena’s face. Tarver punches Cena in the side of the head (the worst fake hit since I saw my local NWA live). Bryan pulls Cena’s face up and kicks him in the back of the head. “You suck” erupts from the fans. They get Cena up on Wade’s shoulders and Wade slams Cena down. Cena’s like a rag doll. Gabriel up on a corner and spins many times before hitting Mr. Unconscious who prepares for Gabriel’s landing. They all leave the ring and slowly walk off as if nothing happened. The fans are wild! Someone in to Cena’s side and checking on him. Someone else in. They’re calling backstage for help for Cena. A fan yells, “Get the King!” the cameras pan around showing the carnage of people and equipment. A stretcher out for Cena. Backboard into the ring and they roll Cena on. The person holding Cena’s head does a great job through all of Cena’s shaking. They strap Cena down, then un-strap, put a collar on him and re-strap. Some fans are shown holding their faces in their hands, eyes wide as if it’s all real (though one of the best works in a VERY long time). Cameras still showing the carnage. Someone moves the stairs out of the way as they wheel Cena out. Finally they go over and move announce off King and Striker. The fans cheer as Cena gives a feeble thumbs up as they roll him out.
Biggest pop
Bret Hart
Roddy Piper
Dusty Rhodes
John Cena
Biggest heat
NXT Rookies – Wade Barrett, et al