Welcome, boys and girls, to another episode of the Lawcast. This week we’re covering one of the landmark shows in wrestling history. It’s the formation of the NWO, the dawn of the Monday Night Wars, and it is the night that Hulkamania died.

But while we are going to talk at length about one of the most famous angles in wrestling history, there’s so much more to cover! Every other match on this card is seemingly tailor made to talk about. From the backstory to the incredible Mysterio/Psycosis match, to desperately trying to figure out what in the hell a Carson City Silver Dollar Match is, we could have gone 10 hours. We didn’t though. Don’t worry.

Quick Lawcast update: Everything past our last 20 episodes will be on our Youtube channel. Subscribe to iTunes for the new ones, subscribe to Youtube for the old ones. We’ve got you covered both ways.

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