After 3 months, Finn Balor and Apollo Crews finally reaches a conclusion to their match from November. Plus William Regal decides what to do after Sami Zayn & Samoa Joe both won a Triple Threat match last week.

Spoiler: It’s exactly what you expected him to do.


The Vaudevillians beat The Hype Bros

The Vaudevillians are back and they are evil again, but they still have their happy baby face music. Eight years ago Zack Ryder did a run in on the main event of WrestleMania…just thought I would point that out. Speaking of Ryder, he is the one that the Vaudevillians got the heat on.

The move of the match was Ryder began making a comeback on both men and went for an inzigiri to Gotch. Gotch ducked, but English was right there to get it anyway. Mojo got the hot tag, but Ryder tagged back in quickly and the Vaudevillians won with the Whirling Dervish.

– Tom Phillips sat down with Carmella about her upcoming title match with Bayley. She is the daughter of former WWF jobber Paul Vandale. Remember the good old days when Carmella was a hairdresser and became a Diva because Enzo got her fired for dumping hair cream on her dog?

Anyway, she’s looking forward to wrestling Bayley next week and will beat Emma tonight.

– Dash and Dawson laughed at the idea of Enzo Amore and Big Cass talking about kicking their butts. They pointed out that Enzo and Cass lost their title shot. They can talk tough all they want, but they can not defeat Dash & Dawson.

Carmella pinned Emma

Carmella looks a lot better in street clothes than she does in her ring gear. They did not play up the storyline set up last week where the heels mocked Carmella for doing nothing to deserve being #1 Contender and the fact that Bayley won the tag team match a few weeks ago without her. Emma showed Carmella no respect, slapping her in the back of the head and Carmella suddenly won with a backslide.

– Both Sami Zayn felt he should be the number one contender following last week’s match where both he and Samoa Joe made Baron tap. Joe scared the cameraman and ignored the question.

Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady defeated Two Men

Enzo really does cut a hell of a promo these days. He has improved so much from when he started, if you recall he used to be so bad that he wasn’t even trusted to get in a single offensive maneuver and would just spend the entire match selling. The jobbers never got named, but Colin gave one of them a hiptoss from inside the ring to the pretty black mats. Colin laid out the other with a Catatonic and Enzo pinned him with the Rocket Launcher.

– Apollo Crews was stretching backstage when a camera was shoved in her face. He said he has what it takes to be NXT Champion, but tonight is step one in becoming champion one day.

– NXT General Manager William Regal was about to announce Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe to determine the #1 Contender when Baron Corbin stormed in and demanded to be involved, even though he tapped out to two men. He then made Zayn vs Joe. Makes you wonder why they bothered making you wait a week. It was later announced that the match was booked for two weeks from now.

Asuka tapped out Santana Garrett

Santana is a well known women’s wrestler on the Independent circuit and spent over a year in TNA where she was Brittany. In case you don’t remember, she was in a relationship with Samuel Shaw and tried to have a lesbian relationship with Madison Rayne. She did a lot better than most against Asuka but got trapped in a rolling armbar. Santana got out, but got locked in the Asuka Lock for the tap out.

– Finn Balor said Mr. Regal made the right decision by making Joe vs Zayn.

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NXT Champion Finn Balor pinned Apollo Crews

These two first wrestled back in November, but it ended in a disqualification when Baron Corbin interfered. Apollo hasn’t been seen much since losing to Baron at NXT Takeover and this is Finn’s first tv match since the same night.

This was a good, solid match. The crowd seemed exhausted at this point as there were people openly yawning in the front row. Everything these two did was very good. However the fans just couldn’t get into it until the finish. Balor began making his comeback, which woke them up, but they weren’t nearly as loud as they had been.

Crews kicked out of a Coup de Grace to the back and Finn kicked out of the Gorilla Slam and standing Moonsault. Finn hit the Slingblade, the corner dropkick and the Coup de Grace before pinning Crews with a brainbuster. After the match, Balor shook the hand of Crews.

That does it for tonight! Until next week, remember to say your vitamins and take your prayers!